Monday, September 29, 2008

Generating alternatives: Long Gyland Sound

In case you're wondering, that's a phonetic spelling of Long Island.

In my ongoing endeavor to live a reality-based life (rather than clinging to wishes) I've been investigating what it would take to stay sane in and around Mamaroneck, NY.

Finding a new squad of doctors is unthinkable. Insane.

There's a group of disabled sailors up the pike a bit in Connecticut. They have some interesting similarities to BAADS, but over here in the armpit (in the physical sense, of course) of the Northeast they actually stop sailing for 4 months of the year. I find that very odd. Did their cod-fishing ancestors stop? Not if they wanted the kids fed. Did the whalers stop? Not until the social & industrial climate changed. But the boaters in Mamaroneck seem to be the sort who call their craft "yachts" and prefer to have the real work done by others. Heaven forbid they should face discomfort.

But perhaps I'm being snide.

Today, Manhattan is spectacularly seductive: beautiful buildings, good food, incredible museum exhibits, verdant park with scads - masses - hordes of old deciduous trees, well-dressed men (I love that) and shapely women.

But it's still absurdly expensive.

If you go upstate or join an organization, you can get safe raw milk and grass-fed beef. New England apples are the best in the world. Many old & dear friends are within an hour or two. So that's a lot of comfort right there.

It occurred to me today that I could take a long weekend every couple of months to go to the Bay Area and see my doctors, visit friends, and sail on that heart-tearingly beautiful Bay.

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