Sunday, February 24, 2008

A penny for your thoughts

I've spoken to any number of people who say they read this blog. I love hearing it because I sometimes feel like these words are like breadcrumbs chucked into a black hole: it's kinda fun to do, but there's no point expecting anything to come back.

Any thoughts on why y'all don't comment? Do the entries seem too pat, too finished, to leave room for you to say anything? Or is there something I should do differently/better? Are you ever impressed, disappointed, touched, aghast? I have no way of knowing. -- I hope I have some kind of effect here, but I'd like to know when I get close to the mark and when I fall on my face, in your view.

My philosophy teacher told me that any writing can be improved. I want to know how I can improve mine.

Damn, another neatly-rounded-off ending. Look, pretend I left you hanging there, left something egregiously unsaid.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy the posts and don't feel a need to critique. :)

Keep going!

And I'll try to comment more. :)

Anonymous said...


Guess we're a quiet bunch... :)
