I've been kept in Elkhorn Slough for a month by a series of difficulties. I miss my pals at the dock.
I miss my boat with a fierce inward ache. It pisses me off to have her so far away.
Which brings me back to the question of where to keep her. I'm mulling the relative merits of:
- Keeping her at Ballena, where I have such sweet neighbors and stunning views, put up with the problems, and stop bitching.
- Moving her to a liveaboard berth in Oakland, still near the theoretical resources (such as mechanics) that are supposed to exist in that area, but I haven't yet found, and with no guaranteed place to stay when the boat is in mid-toxic-job or is too cold to tolerate.
- Moving her down here to Elkhorn Slough/Monterey Bay, where friendly hired muscle is easy for me to find, my well-insulated land lodgings are nearby, and I know where all the good stores are. Not many mechanics to choose from, though.
You can see where this is going, can't you? It kind of reminds me that my original intent was to live down in Monterey Bay and scoot up to the SF Bay most weekends. I'd log a boatload (ar ar) of sailing hours in very little time, and that's probably the most important part of becoming a competent sailor.
I'm beginning to feel a southbound current pulling at the keel.
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