Saturday, November 3, 2007

How to: Convert a sanding block to work pedally

I got a wall sander of the sort that has a screw-in socket for you to put your own pole into.

I peeled back the glued-on foam at one end, removed the bolt, and inserted a drawer-pull bolt. I epoxied that in place and screwed on a toe-tested drawer-pull.

I took my lovely sharp Japanese saw and cut off the socket’s axle, then popped the plugs off with a screwdriver.

I cut off a little fuel tubing, which was exactly the right height and diameter to fit neatly where the axle was.

I screwed eye screws (try dictating that into Dragon!) into each end. I threaded a Velcro closure strap through the eyes.


I chose a neon green strap only because it's easy to see in case I drop the sander. It really sets off the pedicure, though, doesn't it?

Feet are rarely dexterous. For extra stability and control, I hold onto 1 foot with the other:

For slightly better horizontal control, I hold the sander between my second and third toes:

H’mm ...

I used to date somebody with a minor foot fetish. Now that I'm posting these pictures, I can't help wondering whether they are entirely decent. The cherry toes seem slighty risqué, and somehow the fact that they're doing something so macho doesn't seem to help.

I'm cracking myself up. Enjoy your weekend, too.

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